EitherT inside of IO
Keeping with our series of posts about using the Either Monad in various ways:
This time, I expand from Either to EitherT, which allows us to interleave an outer monad with an inner one.
When we call runEitherT
with a do
block, we are making a new context, where
we make an EitherT type, wrapped around an inner IO type. I am not sure what
the exact type there is, I’ll have to look into that later.
I import Control.Monad.Trans
to get access to the lift
function. That lets
us go down a layer into that EitherT wrapped around the IO to run IO commands.
You can see how in the workflow of the EitherT section, it asks for some text, does some “work” that may fail, and then asks for the next bit of text to work on.
The coolest part is that if the first bit fails, it bails out of the whole
workflow with the correct Left
value, not even asking for the second bit
of input.
The only other gotcha is that EitherT
isn’t quite the same as a normal
type, so you have to use functions to convert between them.
and hoistMaybe
take a normal version of Either/Maybe
and turn it
into EitherT/MaybeT
Similarly, we had to use noteT
instead of note
. Same behavior, but it just
works on the transformed versions of the types.
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad.Trans
-- A type for my example functions to pass or fail on.
data Flag = Pass | Error
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Starting to do work:"
result <- runEitherT $ do
lift $ putStrLn "Give me the first input please:"
initialText <- lift getLine
x <- hoistEither $ eitherFailure Error initialText
lift $ putStrLn "Give me the second input please:"
secondText <- lift getLine
y <- hoistEither $ eitherFailure Pass (secondText ++ x)
noteT ("Failed the Maybe: " ++ y) $ hoistMaybe $ maybeFailure Pass y
case result of
Left val -> putStrLn $ "Work Result: Failed\n " ++ val
Right val -> putStrLn $ "Work Result: Passed\n " ++ val
putStrLn "Ok, finished. Have a nice day"
-- Simple function that we can use to force it to error out with a Left, or
-- pass with a Right value. It just includes some helper text as its content,
-- showing what happened.
eitherFailure :: Flag -> String -> Either String String
eitherFailure Pass val = Right $ "-> Passed " ++ val
eitherFailure Error val = Left $ "-> Failed " ++ val
-- Simlar to eitherFailure, but return a (Just String) or a Nothing based on
-- if we told it to fail.
maybeFailure :: Flag -> String -> Maybe String
maybeFailure Pass val = Just $ "-> Passed maybe " ++ val
maybeFailure Error _ = Nothing