Working entirely in EitherT
This is the last post in my series of stuff on the Either monad.
It’s a smallish change to the code, where I get rid of a lot of the annoying
casting code to go Either -> EitherT
, and instead just write everything in
The biggest change was the type signature of my failure code. See how I add the Monad constraint, and update the return value to be EitherT wrapped around whatever monad you have.
What’s cool about this is that it’ll work right for both IO, and every other
monad we want to embed this eitherFailure
code into. Which means that as a
hypothetical application’s monad transformer stack builds up, it would be easy
to just plug this code in and go.
eitherFailure :: Monad m => Flag -> String -> EitherT String m String
eitherFailure Pass val = right $ "-> Passed " ++ val
eitherFailure Error val = left $ "-> Failed " ++ val
One other gotcha is that I had to change Right
to right
, which is a
function that returns a hoisted version of the Either value. No biggie, just
wouldn’t typecheck till I did.
If you read this code, you’ll see that the transformation from Maybe
is very similar, right down to using just
and nothing
functions, rather than the Just
and Nothing
data constructors.
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad.Trans
-- A type for my example functions to pass or fail on.
data Flag = Pass | Error
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Starting to do work:"
result <- runEitherT $ do
lift $ putStrLn "Give me the first input please:"
initialText <- lift getLine
x <- eitherFailure Error initialText
lift $ putStrLn "Give me the second input please:"
secondText <- lift getLine
y <- eitherFailure Pass (secondText ++ x)
noteT ("Failed the Maybe: " ++ y) $ maybeFailure Pass y
case result of
Left val -> putStrLn $ "Work Result: Failed\n " ++ val
Right val -> putStrLn $ "Work Result: Passed\n " ++ val
putStrLn "Ok, finished. Have a nice day"
eitherFailure :: Monad m => Flag -> String -> EitherT String m String
eitherFailure Pass val = right $ "-> Passed " ++ val
eitherFailure Error val = left $ "-> Failed " ++ val
maybeFailure :: Monad m => Flag -> String -> MaybeT m String
maybeFailure Pass val = just $ "-> Passed maybe " ++ val
maybeFailure Error _ = nothing